As a manufacturer of energy measurement technology, Janitza electronics has always had a close connection to the topics of energy supply and energy efficiency.
In the long term, we want to reduce our carbon footprint to the lowest possible level through our own efforts; to this end, we have agreed climate targets that we will tackle with great commitment in the coming years. These can be viewed on the ClimatePartner website.
In the future, Janitza will also increasingly take part in collaborations and specialist forums in order to share its own experiences with other companies and support them on the path to CO₂ neutrality.
Janitza energy measurement devices, in combination with the GridVis® power grid monitoring software, can already be used to display energy consumption in CO₂ performance characteristics. We are continuously developing our software in order to offer our customers customized solutions in the future.
Janitza supports the Jobbike. In 2022, our employees covered more than 16,000 km by bike. This corresponds to a CO₂ saving of 2.6 t CO₂ or the intake of 260 trees.
By reducing paper printouts and separating waste with recycling, resources are conserved.
The installation and release for use of the e-charging stations is an offer for employees to charge their e-vehicles during working hours.
The company has implemented various projects to save energy in everyday working life, such as modernizing the lighting systems with LEDs or controlling them with presence detectors.
The first step on the road to CO₂ neutrality is comprehensive transparency about CO₂ emissions. This includes the systematic recording and analysis of the respective consumption and the resulting emissions. The data obtained in this way forms the basis for all further measures and makes the success of the measures visible and verifiable. As experts in energy measurement technology, recording CO₂ emissions in Scope 1 and 2 (i.e. CO₂ emissions that are generated directly within the company or through purchased energy) is easy for us. Since 2013, energy consumption at Janitza has been recorded and evaluated in detail as part of a certified energy management system. Scope 3 emissions (which are generated within the value chain but outside the company) are more difficult to record. Janitza works closely with ClimatePartner in this area. This collaboration enables us to quantify and assess the CO₂ emissions of our value chain as accurately as possible.
In the second step, the company targets for reducing CO₂ emissions are defined. Janitza has set itself the goal of reducing its emissions to a minimum through appropriate measures and compensation as quickly as possible and, preferably, under its own steam , but by 2030 at the latest. To achieve this, emissions from all three scopes must be reduced as far as possible and the remaining amount offset.
Every kilowatt hour that is not consumed helps the environment more than financial compensation. In the third step, we therefore implement suitable measures to reduce CO₂ emissions.
These range from large-scale projects, such as the initial commissioning of a further photovoltaic system and the conversion of the company fleet to electric cars, to small-scale measures, such as reducing paper printouts.
In this way, Janitza has already reduced its own CO₂ emissions at various levels, always with the aim of achieving further savings in the coming years.
Unavoidable CO₂ emissions are offset by certified climate protection projects. These projects demonstrably reduce, avoid or bind greenhouse gases, and are certified according to international standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard or the Gold Standard.
An elementary component of the CO₂ strategy is proof that the calculations of emissions are correct and that the offsetting projects also make a real, verifiable contribution to climate protection. What is important here is the clear transparency of the entire path to CO₂ neutrality. To meet this requirement, Janitza has this certified by an independent institute.
Reducing greenhouse gases is not only an environmental imperative, but also an economic and social one. Businesses have a significant responsibility in mitigating climate change by minimizing their environmental footprint while mobilizing society for a more sustainable future.
Achieving CO₂ neutrality requires the involvement of every individual in the company. This is the only way to achieve the ambitious goals in everyday life.
On the path to a sustainable future we are pursuing a comprehensive approach to climate protection and resource conservation. This approach uses innovative strategies to minimize environmental impact and to foster sustainable growth.
Janitza is in close contact with various partners and service providers as part of its efforts to achieve greater sustainability on the path to CO₂ neutrality, including
Our energy meters make energy flows transparent. This is the most important basis on the path to CO₂ neutrality. Energy transparency creates clear facts and helps to summarize the complex topic in figures and make it tangible. This means we always know where we stand, where there is potential for improvement, and can make important decisions for the future today.
Would you like to know how Janitza measurement technology can contribute to your CO₂ accounting?
VEA der Bundesverband der Energie-Abnehmer e.V.: as an energy consultant for SMEs
VEA initiative for climate-friendly SMEs: supports SMEs in becoming more climate-friendly and saving CO₂.
Reginee - the VEA's REGIonal Network for Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection: an association of regional companies with the aim of reducing CO₂ emissions, sustainably lowering energy costs, and moving towards climate neutrality
The Climate Protection Business Network: an IHK platform for companies that actively contribute to climate protection and want to continuously improve their climate protection expertise, in cooperation with LEA (State Energy Agency of Hesse)
Biodiversity Reducing greenhouse gases curbs climate change and helps to preserve numerous ecosystems.
"At a time when the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable, protecting the environment and preserving our planet are among the greatest challenges.
As a company that offers energy measuring devices and solutions for optimized energy use, Janitza feels a special responsibility. We have therefore been actively committed to reducing our carbon footprint for many years."
Alexander Veidt, Managing Director of Janitza electronics GmbH
Everything you need to know: Fundamentals, strategies, and solutions for a sustainable future
CO₂ accounting or greenhouse gas accounting establishes clarity regarding company emissions and is therefore the basis for measures in preparing and improving a climate strategy. It is the systematic accounting of greenhouse gas emissions. All greenhouse gases with such climatic effects are taken into account, these are noted as part of the Kyoto Protocol.
The following greenhouse gases are taken into account:
Although all greenhouse gases responsible for global warming are taken into account, the term CO₂ accounting is used as carbon dioxide is used as a reference for all greenhouse gases. The values in brackets (GWP) represent the global warming potential of the gas in question, where CO₂ is used with a reference value of 1, meaning that a GWP of 25 means that the gas has a global warming potential which is 25 times that of CO₂. Other greenhouse gases are calculated in terms of CO₂ equivalents (CO₂e) so that they can be compared.
The CO₂ footprint is the result of CO₂ accounting. This provides information on the quantity of greenhouse gases which are emitted by a company, a product, a process, a project, or an event. The CO₂ footprint is stated in what are known as CO₂ equivalents (CO₂e).
Janitza provides support in determining the KPIs for your CO₂ accounting.
Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)
In the Corporate Carbon Footprint all greenhouse gas emissions from a company over the course of a year are recorded and summarized as part of CO₂ accounting. The individual CO₂ footprint is an important, useful instrument for evaluating the company’s impact on climate. The CO₂ footprint means suitable reduction targets and measures can be derived, then shown in the sustainability report.
In addition, the CO₂ footprint means it is possible to quickly see which company areas release the most greenhouse gases and therefore where there is most potential for measures to reduce it. This is also of great importance in economic terms as the biggest drivers of emissions are also often the biggest cost drivers within a company.
The Corporate Carbon Footprint, which is recorded regularly, is therefore a key indicator in determining the progress and success of a company’s commitment to sustainability.
Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
The Product Carbon Footprint (PCF), which is the CO₂ footprint of products covers the accounting of greenhouse gas emissions along the entire service life of a specific product.
The Product Carbon Footprint takes a holistic perspective that applies from procurement of raw materials to delivery (“cradle-to-gate) and may also even take the service life and disposal of the product (“cradle-to-grave”) into account.
The CO₂ footprint of your products can also be determined from your company’s CO₂ accounting. This makes it possible for CO₂ emissions to be quantified based on products or orders and also to itemize customer orders or services in terms of their CO₂ emissions. As a company, you then provide your customers with the capability to contribute to climate protection in a targeted manner.
Greenhouse gas accounting is the heart of corporate climate management, and it provides clarity regarding the key sources of emissions in a company as well as helping determine where potential reductions can be found. Around 75% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide are the result of turning fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas into electricity, heat or fuels, meaning the biggest savings can also be found in this field.
Climate-based reporting for companies divides greenhouse gas emissions into 3 scopes:
Determining emissions is often a complex challenge requiring external support. However, the required KPIs can be determined with suitable measurement devices and software solutions. If energy management is well-established within the company then the additional work required for climate management is nominal, such as the parameterization of measurement devices in GridVis® software and extension of the CO₂ dashboard.
Accounting can take place either at a corporate level (Corporate Carbon Footprint, CCF) or at a product level (Product Carbon Footprint, PCF). The GHG Protocol acts as a basis for such standards, as do ISO 14001, ISO 14064 and ISO 14067.
The CSRD requires comprehensive KPIs regarding energy consumption and greenhouse gas accounting from all companies that are subject to it. Janitza supports companies in determining these KPIs.
Climate management focuses on matters such as resources, waste water, and waste and is part of environmental management, which in turn is also part of sustainability management. Unlike other sectors such as energy management, there are currently no explicit standards set out for a structured climate management system.
However, the contents of an environment management system as per ISO 14001 can be included here. There are several different standards for calculating the Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) and Product Carbon Footprint (PCF), such as the GHG Protocol, ISO 14067 and ISO 14064. They are used as the most common fundamentals for CO₂ accounting or for preparing a report or certificate.
The EMAS Directive (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is often the foundation of environmental management systems. It is a voluntary standard in environmental management and was developed by the European Union.
In addition, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) from the EU monitors the publication of non-financial information, including climate data, for certain companies within the European Union.
Different standards within the fields of energy, climate and environmental management overlap in some areas. For example, the EMAS Directive also covers the basic contents of climate management. Requirements and standards can also vary depending on the region and industry in question.
Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced dramatically and climate protection measures must be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change as far as possible. Although sustainability has many different facets, climate protection along with energy consumption and greenhouse gas accounting has come to the forefront of public perception as well as the future CSRD Directive. Reducing CO₂ emissions is one of the key factors in enhancing sustainability within the economy. Other benefits also become apparent:
An existing energy management system is the foundation for developing a climate management system, as a major proportion of CO₂ emissions is generated by generating energy for the company so that Scope 1 and Scope 2 are almost always fully present or can be determined relatively easily.
The additional expense for adding climate management to the mix is minimal, such as through parameterization of the measurement devices in GridVis® software and adding the CO₂ dashboard.
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Sea level A rise in global temperatures leads to the melting of the polar ice caps and thus to rising sea levels. This will fundamentally change coastal regions. The lower the rise in temperature, the smaller these changes will be.
We implement a wide range of specific and consistent measures to make a positive climate contribution and actively help shape a sustainable future.
Weather extremes A reduction in greenhouse gases can reduce the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts.
Regulatory advantages As global climate agreements progress, early adaptation to lower CO₂ emission standards offers a competitive advantage.
Resource efficiency By reducing CO₂ emissions, for example through more energy-efficient processes, the consumption of other resources is also minimized.
Brand value A commitment to sustainability strengthens the brand image and can increase customer loyalty.