Janitza UMG 96-PQ-L Left 3 S
Janitza UMG 96-PQ-L Front 2 S
Janitza UMG 96-PQ-L Right 3 S
Janitza UMG 96-PQ-L Back Module

UMG 96-PQ-L offers practical power quality analysis functions and is characterized by its innovative memory structuring that allows for long data storage.

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Icon Modular


Future-proof thanks to retrofittable modules and firmware packages

Icon Voltage-Quality

Power quality

Threshold monitoring and measure-ment up to the 65th harmonic

Icon Usability

Operating convenience

Clear presentation of all relevant measured values on the display

Full-wave events directly on the display

Whether power quality analysis, residual current monitoring, or temperature monitoring, the UMG 96-PQ-L offers the right functions for every application. With the UMG 96-PQ-L, it is now possible to cost-effectively ensure complete power quality transparency at every level and thus avoid system failures.

Full-wave events can be measured and both shown as well as analyzed directly on the display. In addition, the modular network analyzer offers a large memory, which, thanks to a special data compression method, ensures several years’ worth of storage. Memory partitioning preserves the long storage time for current, power and work even in combination with high-resolution power quality measurement.

All values can be conveniently displayed and graphically represented on the color graphic display. What’s more, the UMG 96-PQ-L-L offers plug-in modules for functional enhancements and 50 comparators that can be configured individually or via predefined comparator profiles.

The class S versions of UMG 96-PQ-L offer additional functions such as the detection of flickers or interharmonics. This enables the requirements of EN 50160 and IEEE519 to be met. Subsequent activation to class S is also possible.

Brief overview of the key functions of the UMG 96-PQ Series

Our product video gives you a brief overview of the central functions and expansions of the UMG 96-PQ product series.

Duration: 3:36 min.

The perfect addition

Add modules via plug & Play

Janitza Module 96-PA-RCM-EL S
Expansion module

Expansion Module 96-RCM-E

Neue Termine
Janitza Webinare

Ihr Weg zur präzisen Energieüberwachung- Das UMG 96 PQ-L im Detail

Maximieren Sie Ihre Energieeffizienz mit dem UMG 96-PQ-L – einem leistungsstarken Werkzeug für präzise Energieüberwachung und Spannungsqualitätsanalyse. In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, wie Sie dieses innovative Gerät nutzen, um Ihre Energieverbrauchskosten zu senken und Anlagenausfälle zu vermeiden.

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