High-voltage pylons and electricity cables outside with a digital graphic symbolizing electricity transmission and energy flows.
Solutions for distribution networks

Measurement technology for Power Utilities

New requirements on energy supply, the energy transition, and changing load profiles are presenting power utilities with new challenges. They can be overcome with a good overview of what is happening in the grid, but this requires the right measurement technology. 



For some years now, the classic planning model for unilateral energy supply (from the power station to the consumer) and the technology of electrical energy supply have been changing due to many external circumstances. The requirements for more efficient networks are increasing, as is the feed-in capacity from renewable energies. Charging stations for e-mobility and capacitive loads also add to the strain on networks.

Transformation of the mains entails serious consequences for the energy industry:

  • Load flow reversal and regenerative feedback 
  • Equipment overloads 
  • Voltage range increases at the feed-in point 
  • Increasing excess energy production 
  • Asymmetries, especially in low-voltage networks 
  • Increased need for storage media 
  • Network loading through non-linear loads 

Measurement technology


A comprehensive overview is required for smart grids - from electricity generation to transportation, distribution and consumption. As energy data must be recorded on all levels for this purpose, smart energy distribution networks require more powerful measurement technology compared to typical systems. Janitza’s comprehensive product range provides technologically advanced and scalable measurement solutions. Energy data acquisition on all levels offers numerous advantages, e.g.: 

Icon Faster error analysis

Rapid fault analysis

Black icon of a network diagram with connected nodes on a transparent background

Solid basis for network planning

Black icon for automation with a gear on a transparent background

Data basis for automation and control equipment

Black icon for voltage quality on a transparent background

Monitoring of power quality

e.g. according to EN 50160



Distribution substations are increasingly being transformed into intelligent nodes. They perform tasks ranging from pure measurement, of energy flows, fault detection and power quality analysis alongside complete remote control and automation. When retrofitting existing distribution substations in particular, appropriate framework conditions must be taken into account when selecting measurement technology. 

Icon Business-Success
Cost effectiveness

Components must be very easy to install using "plug-and-play” methods, but at the same time, they must also cost as little as possible during operation.

Icon Small-Size
Limited space

Additional monitoring and telecontrol systems must be adapted to the low expansion reserves of compact distribution substations.

Icon Scaling-Up

Solutions need to offer an economical entry level yet be easily expandable according to current needs and the desired resolution.

Suitable products